In other news:
- My wife and I bought a new car. A Ford Edge SE.
- My coffee addiction is going strong with no let up in sight
- Our house is getting our bathrooms a makeover. We hired a contractor because if I did it, it would be a thing of horror
- Not only had a battled a cold, but now my seasonal allergies. I always appreciate spring with the exception of the effects from the pollen in the air.
- I am revising book 1 of Jimmy Miller to be more in line with events in book 2. I know stuff that no one else knows. I can't believe all that's happened to my favorite fictional preteen duo. Also, I've reduced much of the wordiness and took out the split infinitives in the narration. I happen to completely enjoy split infinitives. one consulted me when they devised the English Americanized language. Or is it Americanized English language.
- I'm hoping to get an Indiegogo or other crowdsourcing campaign to build my little publishing company.
Be good to yourselves!